Online Billing FAQ

The answers to your questions

This is dependent on whether you have subscribed to the Call Pro service on your phone lines. If you have, you will see calls appear under the Network Calls tab. You can then filter this data by Termination Type which will allow you to see any Unanswered Calls or Busy Calls.

By clicking the “Reports” tab on the top bar and then “Top Analysis” it is possible to sort your monthly calls into a report to show the most expensive calls made, most frequently dialled numbers and which of your lines has made the most calls and many more.

Data can be sorted and tailored to suit you by clicking the boxes at the top of a report or using each of the drop down menus available.

No, for contract queries please call 01494833833 option 1.

5G have now moved to a paperless billing system. The online billing portal provides all invoices and billing information since your account was created (post 2011).

A breakdown of the calls for your invoice are shown under the billing tab on the itemised calls section.

A breakdown of the service charges for your invoice are shown under the billing tab on the service charges section.

Due to the nature of these calls only the area code is recorded by the network.

We can offer the 5G Call Pro service which records all the details of your incoming calls. This then generates a monthly statistical reports to enable you to see what calls your business maybe missing, call our customer services department for more information on this.

In the first instance contact our customers services team and they will be able to discuss with you the best way to ensure a smooth transition.

Call us on 01494 817 817 for any additional questions